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Allan K Suttons My Colloidal Silver Glass 1 litre

Regular price $43.40
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...the best Colloidal Silver when only the best will do... Good health naturally

COLLOIDAL SILVER... some history and how it began

Silver has been used by many cultures for thousands of years with no record of harmful side effects. Most ancient cultures used silver for their storage vessels because of its ability to preserve foods for longer without spoiling. This knowledge has been passed down through generations.


Colloidal Silver was in common use in the early 1900s. Its popularity waned with the onset of the new drugs (such as antibiotics) in the 30s and it did not re-appear until the1970s when it was proven to be an effective treatment for burns victims. Gradually, since then, this gentle old germ fighter has been making its presence felt in complimentary medicine. Today it is finally taking its place as a reliable and effective natural antibacterial liquid.


Colloidal Silver is non-toxic to plants, mammals, reptiles, and all living things that are not single celled. To date there have been no recorded negative silver/drug interaction and it appears equally unknown to react negatively with herbal remedies.

COLLOIDAL SILVER TODAY… is a powerful, non-toxic, natural food supplement, of ultra-fine particles of silver suspended in pure water that has been shown to support the immune system. No chemicals or preservatives should be used in good quality colloidal silver. To preserve product integrity and quality it is preferable if colloidal silver is stored in glass bottles (not plastic or PET), never in sunlight, and away from all magnetic fields (such as fridges). The size of the particles in suspension (not the strength or high ppm), and the aliveness and purity of the water all contribute to a quality product. All Colloidal silvers are not the same, always use one prepared using laboratory standards.

General maintenance: Internally: Adults 5-50ml daily Children under twelve 5-10ml daily
For immune support during acute immune threats Internally: Adults 25-50ml hourly Children under twelve 10-15ml hourly
Externally: Spray directly on the wound, infection, minor burn, sunburn or insect bite. Dressing can be applied when saturated in colloidal silver. It can be sprayed in ears, eyes, throat and nose, as often as needed.

STOMACH UPSETS: Add 200 ml to a large glass of water and drink as quickly as possible. Follow this by another large glass of water.
SKIN PROBLEMS: Spray frequently as liked for minor problems, such as rashes, acne, abrasions, minor burns, sunburn, insect bites. Provides soothing relief to haemorrhoids or burning bottom due to hot, spice food. Can be used with dressing for open wounds.
EARS, NOSE AND THROAT: You can effectively deal with all these areas by spraying or using drops regularly. We suggest frequently applying, so using as often as possible for faster result. Spray or dropper into the nose, gargling in the throat and apply by spraying or using drops for the ears particularly after swimming or showering or suffering with winter ills and chills. It appears to work best when all these areas are treated together.
AIR TRAVEL: Plane flights can be made miserable by blocked ears and sinuses. Use spray as often as you like before flights and during flights to soothe these areas.
WINTER ILLS AND CHILLS, DRY THROATS: At the first sign of winter immune threats take frequently to support the body’s defences. Use spray and drops for nose and throat, also take up to 50ml every hour, swirl in mouth or gargle and swallow. It is suggested not to drink or eat 10 minutes after taking Colloidal Silver to allow full absorption, and then follow by drinking plenty of water.
URINARY TRACT HEALTH: Spray on external areas for support. Take initially 200ml followed by 1 glass water. Then 25ml every hours. Continue to take for at least a couple of days. Follow use with a good quality probiotic.
DENTAL HEALTH: Used as a mouth wash this product is very effective in preventing dental decay and improving oral hygiene. Swirl 5- 10ml in mouth after teeth have been brushed and rinsed. Then swallow. Do not rinse after using Colloidal Silver.
SINUSES: Use drops or spray as often as liked. Can be effective for snoring when used before sleeping.
BURNS AND SUNBURN: Spray as soon as possible following burn and apply frequently..
PETS: Use for cats and dogs to boost their immune system, reduce skin inflammation and body odours. Suggested doses 5-30ml daily. Can be spray in animal eyes, ears, and onto cuts and sores as often as needed. Can be used on animal big and small including horses, cows and sheep.